Tuesday, March 15, 2005

An Alchemical Calendar

Sunday, 13 March, was the anniversary of Seton's transmutation in Enkhuizen. 4pm to be exact. I was at the time on the shuttle bus that takes you from Aviation to LAX, so I was not able to get to a computer to post this. Still, I thought of what may or may not have transpired in that house in North Holland 403 years ago. Whatever did happen, I know that we need that kind of magic and mystery; without it, our lives are impoverished.

The other date in the calendar that has come to mean something for me is 27 December, the anniversary of the mysterious stranger who called himself Elias appearing at the house of John Frederick Helvetius in The Hague. Helvetius was later to write a celebrated account of his meeting with Elias, and of how he and his wife successfully performed a transmutation on 19 January 1667.

A good article about the significance of these dates - and a few more besides - can be found here: http://www.alchemywebsite.com/golden_m.html.

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